

Michelle - Daughter @Notre Dame

Stacy leaves no stone unturned. She is attuned to every little step of the process and helps the student stay ahead of each step so by the time fall rolls around the “heavy lifting’ of essays, college selection, extracurricular lists, and recommendations are in the rearview mirror and the student is fully prepared with Stacy’s help to apply. She exceeded our expectations as a college counselor and we wholeheartedly recommend the Comprehensive Package, starting the process as early as you can.

  1. Stacy helps to keep the peace between student and parent. I loved the way she related to my daughter but also understood where we were coming from. She held everyone accountable but was still flexible in what worked best for the student. There was never a question you couldn’t ask and she would always research and take the time to answer via text, phone call, or video conferencing.

  2. She helped my daughter find her strengths and translated them into great thoughtful essays towards each school, really capturing who my daughter is in each one. My daughter even said that Stacy actually helped her to become a better writer.

  3. Most importantly Stacy treats the student as if they are her own child. Although she has a very comprehensive step-by-step, organized process, she truly put her heart and soul into finding what was best for our daughter and was just as excited to hear the notifications as we were. She is very professional but it NEVER feels like a “cookie cutter” approach fits all. In addition to being a great investment, we were able to enjoy the process and keep the peace.

Anja - Daughter @Quinnipiac

Stacy, Dave and I are so grateful for all the work you have done with Natalie, ensuring her a smooth road to a wonderful destination. She is so happy and comfortable with her choice and we are just thrilled that she has landed in a place that suits her. We will certainly be recommending you to anyone who asks!

Cindy - Daughter @University of Denver

We are so pleased and impressed with how you were able to make this a positive and relatively stress-free process for Ciara. 

I think it has also been a great learning experience for her, Helping to strengthen her executive function skills, and impress upon her the success she can and will achieve by continuing to use these skills and processes. 

Kristen - Daughter @Northeastern

Stacy, thank you for all of your help with Mia. You made the college application process seamless and we are so grateful for all of your advice and efforts. Mia has heard from many schools and will have wonderful options to choose from.  I can’t thank you enough.  I have already given your name out to friends.


Noah - Son @University of Tennessee

Stacy - where do I begin? First, thank you so much for all you’ve done for Noah. He was not the easiest to work with. I trusted you from the first moment we spoke on the phone. I’m so glad I did. 

I believe it takes a special human to do what you do. You are indeed a special human. I know that I was not capable of guiding him through this process. It would have ruined our relationship. 

You are so good at your job. I fully understand that a college counselor HAS to be good at her/his job, but you possess a different quality. It’s not something that can be taught. Your patience and kindness is undeniable. 

I appreciate everything you’ve done with/for Noah. I want you to know that you’ve done so much for me, too. I always felt that I can call you if I was struggling with this stuff….there was so much stuff. 

Simply saying “thank you” seems so inadequate for the gratitude I feel.

Julia - @University of Miami

Thank you Stacy for all your help throughout my college process. I definitely could not have managed all of those essays and applications without your creativity, time management, and motivation! I am so happy that I was able to get into my dream school and can’t wait to move in this fall!

Elsa - @Lafayette

I got in! They even quoted my essay in my acceptance letter saying they were super impressed! I can’t thank you enough for all your help over the last two years.

Sarah - Daughter @The New School

I tell absolutely everyone I to these days about your fantastic counseling service. Having you work with Paige has been worth every penny! Her stress levels are down and our relationship with her has stayed strong. I can be supportive without getting into the nitty gritty with her, and I can tell she really likes working with you and values your input and support. It feels healthy.

Allison and Matt - Son @Boston College

We could not have done this without you Stacy! And you are
still doing what you do best, making sure we don’t forget things
in the excitement. The pure joy in the kitchen tonight is a feeling he (and I witnessing it!) will never forget! His first words after
long hugs was “I need to tell Stacy!” You were the first person
he thought of—a clear indication  of the connection and collaborative effort you established with him throughout this
entire arduous process. Thank you so much! 

Mark - Daughter @Syracuse

I want to thank you for the great job you’ve doing helping my daughter Sofia with her college applications. We are very
grateful and I am happy to give you a 5-star review! You have taken all the stress and guesswork out of a pretty anxious time
in our lives.

Jake - Son @The Ohio State University

Stacy, I just wanted to let you know how grateful we are for
your expertise and guidance getting Jake into college.  You
made this whole process so much easier for all of us.

We are delighted Jake has committed to Ohio State!  Greg
and I both think it's a great fit for him, it also helped you are
a former Buckeye 🙂 Jake has truly enjoyed working with you!

Thank you again for all your help!

Jenn - Son @Northeastern

I never thought I would see Will talking to his college
counselor with a HUGE enthusiastic smile on his face. Beyond appreciative! Stacy, thank you for helping his dreams come
true! He is right where he should be and so excited to fly!
Can’t thank YOU enough!

Karen - Son @University of Denver

You really made some great changes to Ryan’s CommonApp activities. You made them sound so much more impressive!
And we would never have captured what you helped him
capture in his essay. It was so him!

Nicole - Daughter @Syracuse

Stacy, your genuine care for our daughter means so much
to us. Thank you for all of your help and guidance throughout
the process. Boy, it is quite a process. You made it manageable! And alleviated a lot of stress and frustration. She is thrilled
about Syracuse and we are so happy for her.

Joe - Son @University of Denver

Stacy, thank you so much for everything! Jordan really
enjoyed your help and felt much more confident in his
college process.